Whenever you have any health issue and if you consult a doctor, you may hear him saying that it is a life style disorder or a life style issue. You might get confuse with this term often. What exactly is a healthy life style? Why you come in this category? Let’s find out the correct answer and the best solution to follow a healthy life style. There are few basic key rules which is to be included when we are talking about a healthy life style. If we compare this era to the ancient time what are the major differences we find? The first think which has been changed now is the level of physical activity. People use to travel a lot through buses, trains etc to reach to the office and for this a lot of activity was done. But now we hardly put our foot on the earth. We generally use private transports to communicate. Second major thing is food. People use to eat mostly home cooked meals. They use to carry dibba from home which had a balance meal with some healthy snacks options. But now everything is mostly from the outside or even if we eat home cooked meals they are not as healthy and balanced. We use to eat only seasonal fruits and vegetables and other food stuffs but now everything is available all the seasons in the market. The third thing is that people use to work so hard and hence use to get a good sleep at the night which helped the body to get proper rest and let it heal itself. But now people are so stressed they hardly get good sleep and body and mind is never at rest and peace. All these have made a great impact on human life.
So in short, if you wish to maintain a healthy life style, you should be healthy in terms of physically, medically, emotionally and psychologically. To get all these you should live an active life, eat healthy, think positive and sleep well.
Probably you may ask now how much we should do. So to be physically active 30-45 minutes of walking or any exercise only 5 days in a week. Eat minimum two balanced home cooked meals per day seven days a week. Take minimum 6-8 hours of sound sleep every night. Controlling and reducing stress is not easy so try to obtain a hobby which calms your mind and on which you can spend only couple of minutes every day. But watching television and spending time on mobile is not a hobby. So choose wisely. Out of your busy life if you maintain all these from the starting of your adulthood days, you may be able to maintain a healthy life style and hence a healthy life.
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