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Showing posts from December, 2020

Benefits of Curry leaves

One of the best think about Indian cooking is that the most of the Indian spices and herbs which provides a lot of health benefits. One of a very common thing which is used in Indian cooking is Curry leaves. It is mostly used in south Indian cooking for almost every style of cooking. Its leaves are used for both medicinal and culinary applications. They are highly aromatic and have a unique flavor with notes of citrus. Before we know the health benefits of using curry leaves, let us know the ways by which we can include curry leaves in our daily use. In north India it is only used in sambhar and Kadi but there are more ways by which you can use it. You can put the curry leaves while adding tadka to vegetables, dals or raitas. You can also mix it in chutneys. For breakfast you can use it while making poha, upma, vermicelli, idli etc. Now, let us know the impressive benefits and uses of curry leaves. Rich in many plant compounds which functions as anti-oxidants in our body and helps in m...

Best Cooking Methods to Preserve Nutrients

Human learned to cook food to make it chewable and easily digestible. Different regions and religions have different methods of cooking food. But with time to make foods more tempting and tasty, the nutritional quality of the cooked foods has been compromised and is been affected. Before we learn about the best way to cook your food in order to preserve the nutritional value of your food, we should know the wrong ways and methods of our today’s cooking. Overheating Healthy Oils, Frying your food, Using Wrong Cookware, Cooking vegetables for too long, adding uncooked salt over the food, peeling off the thick layer of vegetables. These are some examples of unhealthy and wrong ways while cooking food. When we try to make food extra tasty we do not try to save the nutritional value or you can say that we do not know, what are the correct ways to cook food so that its nutritional value is preserved; here are some great cooking methods and tips for you. Dry Heat Cooking with or without fat...

Emotional Eating

The basic reason of eating food was to provide fuel to the body. But with time human nature has been changed about food. Now most of the people eat not just to provide energy or fuel to the body but to enjoy the taste and aroma of food. People have developed lots of ways to consume varieties of foods. Now, what we eat reelects our thought, nature and emotions. This develop a pattern in your eating which we call is Emotional Eating. Some people eat only when they eel hungry, some eat when they are sad, or happy or angry or bored, hurt, nervous or depress, or some eat just because it is in their routine. There is a hormone called Leptin. It is released to lower the appetite. Leptin is made up of fat cells and hence thin individuals (low fat levels in body) have low leptin levels.          The other hormone called Ghrelin, which is released when we are stressed and makes us excessively hungry. Because we are so much stressed most of the time in this era, we gorge...

Healthy Morning Routine to Reduce Weight

You must have tried a lot of things for your weight loss and to maintain a good health. But nothing seems to be working anymore. Or even may be something had worked and you have been successful in your goal but not your lost weight is back. Now you must be wondering what to do so that you can lose weight and keep yourself healthy. Since now winter is already here, it is becoming more difficult for you to maintain a healthy routine. So here are some simple but effective tips which you can apply in your routine this winter to lose your weight and keep yourself healthy. Start your day with a glass of warm water with some good home remedies to reduce extra fat from the body. You can prepare any detox water one night prior which you can warm up in the morning and drink. This may include jeera water, dhania water, ajwain water, sauf water, cinnamon water etc. You can begin your day with these drinks to kick start your metabolism and reduce your fat percentage. Eat a healthy breakfast: Waki...

High BP Diet Plan by Best Dietitian

One of a life style disorder is Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure. It is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Increased blood pressure is implicated as a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Many of us think that controlling the sodium intake or in common terms controlling the salt intake are good enough to manage your blood pressure. But actually there are a lot of contributing factors in order to manage your high blood pressure. You also have to take care of your heart more now that you know you have a condition. The severity of your high blood pressure condition depends upon your dosage of your medicine. So even if your blood pressure is under control with higher dosage of medicine, you can follow some key points. Even if everything is doing well with you in terms of your blood pressure situation, you can follow these tips: Maintaining a good diet is very important. This will help in the proper fun...

Indian Winter Diet Plan by Dt.Priyanka Jaiswal

It is difficult for you to drag yourself from the warm and cozy blankets during winters. We not only cover our self in many layers of warm clothes but we also look for food options that are hot and filling and which can keep us warm from the inside. But because of this climate change our body’s physiology also changes a little bit. We need more calories and foods that have more healthy fats. This helps us in regulating the proper body temperature from the inside. Naturally we need to eat more during winters. Most of the time this leads to gaining some extra kilos. In this case how can we take the advantage of all winter foods and also not gain weight? If this question bothers you, then here are some tips for you to manage your healthy eating during winters and not gain weight. Infect you will be able to reduce some of your weight if you eat properly during this winter. Control your sweet cravings: Already you are eating extra calories during winters so this is the time you really nee...

Facts you need to know about Thyroid

A small gland located in our neck in the front side of our throat is called Thyroid gland, which produces a hormone that help control many vital functions of your body. The dis functioning of this gland can impact of your entire body. Dis functioning of the thyroid gland may lead to hyperthyroidism, which is too much production of thyroid hormone or hypothyroidism, which is when too little thyroid hormone is made. This leads to gain too much weight or reduce too much weight respectfully. This makes a healthy diet routine and a healthy lifestyle very important. If you do not manage all these your weight will not be in normal range and also you may develop other lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, cardiac issues, etc. Sometimes we think that we are taking a medicine which is keeping our thyroid in control and now we do not need to focus on anything else. But that’s not the case actually. If we do not control this situation, then with time, your doctor will have to increase the dosage o...

Management of Chronic Disease with Diet

When someone is suffering from a chronic disease, they go to the doctors for help and starts taking medicines. But some chronic disease is actually the result of your unhealthy eating and an inactive life and unhealthy lifestyle. Not eating healthy and not doing even just a little physical activity results in the fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, your cholesterol levels, fatty liver, blood pressure, uric acid etc. Out of these medical issues some are reversible and some are not. If we are able to maintain a healthy diet routine and some key points then we may be able to manage our medical issues and illnesses up to some extent. So here are some healthy key points if you wish to manage your Chronic Diseases. Breakfast on time: As per our body system works, we should have our breakfast within two hours of waking up. Maintain this in your daily routine and you will be able to manage your full day healthy routine. Eating fruits is not a point of liking. You should make it as a habit...

Diet Vs Exercise by Priyanka Jaiswal

Among today’s people, it is believe that exercise is more important as compare to diet. Whenever an overweight person is consulted, he might say that I gained weight because I am unable to do any kind of physical activity. In this pandemic situation, this statement by such people has been increased that because of this lockdown I was unable to do any kind of physical exercise or walk which resulted in this increase in my body weight. But the facts are totally different. Today we spend less physical energy due to the types of jobs we do. This means we require less of energy. This leads the concept of 80 percent diet and 20 percent physical activity as a healthy schedule. So it is clear that if we maintain a good diet then we can maintain a good health even with only a little exercise or no exercise. So lack of exercise schedule is not an excuse for putting off your weight management plans or weight loss goals. So in order to maintain a good health just eat healthy, balance and adequate ...

Steps for a Healthy Lifestyle

Whenever you have any health issue and if you consult a doctor, you may hear him saying that it is a life style disorder or a life style issue. You might get confuse with this term often. What exactly is a healthy life style? Why you come in this category? Let’s find out the correct answer and the best solution to follow a healthy life style. There are few basic key rules which is to be included when we are talking about a healthy life style. If we compare this era to the ancient time what are the major differences we find? The first think which has been changed now is the level of physical activity. People use to travel a lot through buses, trains etc to reach to the office and for this a lot of activity was done. But now we hardly put our foot on the earth. We generally use private transports to communicate. Second major thing is food. People use to eat mostly home cooked meals. They use to carry dibba from home which had a balance meal with some healthy snacks options. But now every...